
Monday, 15 February 2016

Lamppost art in Hollywood Park

Yesterday when I posted Shadows at Hollywood Park I promised to show you a closer view of the old photograph on the lampless lamppost.

Around 2014 as part of the Stockport Arts Trail, an independent group of young people, working towards an Arts Award Qualification at Stockport Central Library, created the images for one face of the artworks, located on lampposts in and around Edgeley. Historic photographs from the libraries archives are on the other face, giving people an idea of how the area looked in times gone by.

The text on the reverse of this piece of lamppost art reads:

"In the winter there was this fog, caused by all the
coal fires and mills, it was
terrible, it was like walking through pea soup,
you had to fight your way through it."

There are eleven lampposts in total along the trail. More information is at Healthy Stockport.

I featured another example of lamppost artwork on 8th October 2014

A contribution to Monday Murals and signs, signs.


  1. That's an interesting art project! The air must have been terrible with the coal fires!

  2. I like the art on the signs. I've seen some towns that have something similar that display art. The ones on Healthy Stockport are very nice and bring back memories for the people who see them. Thanks!!

  3. Great post! Sometimes people forget how long pollution has been a problem.
