
Wednesday, 8 October 2014

Marketplace on a lampost

This artwork can be found on a lampost on Castle Street in Edgeley. The text reads:
"On Saturday nights my dad used to take us Stockport Market in those days it stayed open till 9pm.

It was a great event everyone from round here would go. And we'd always go to Woolworths on the way home to buy sweets."
As part of the Stockport Arts Trail, an independent group of young people, working towards an Arts Award Qualification at Stockport Central Library, created the images for one face of the artworks, located on lampposts in and around Edgeley.

Historic photographs from the libraries archives are on the other face, giving people an idea of how the area looked in times gone by.

There are eleven lampposts in total along the trail. More information is at Healthy Stockport.

A contribution to ABC Wednesday and signs, signs.


  1. What a fun use for the lamposts!

  2. I do like that idea! How creative.

  3. Love to see old pictures from the past !

  4. The sign looks great and is a tribute to days gone bye. The word Woolworths brings back a lot of pleasant memories for me.

  5. Gerald, It's great to see what nostalgic folks create. Tom The Backroads Traveller
