
Wednesday, 1 January 2014

Photo of the Year 2013

I've chosen this photograph of St Petersgate Bridge over Little Underbank as my Photo of the Year.

It originally appeared in a post about the Queens Head. The overside of the bridge has been recently refurbished as can be seen in my post of 29th December.

But it depicts more than just the bridge. There's the old men on the bench opposite the women smoking and gossiping outside the pub. Just beyond them is a Victorian post box. Further on is a glimpse of Winter's clock.

See photographs from other members of the City Daily Photoblogging community at the January Gallery - Photo of the Year.

A contribution to Sunday Bridges at San Francisco Bay Daily Photo.


  1. I like that you have people in this photo. Happy New Year and all the best in 2014!

  2. A good synopsis of Stockport in many ways Gerald- Happy New Year!

  3. i would like to jump right into that picture!

  4. I also like the cobblestone street, the brick arches, and the decorative windows on the pub. Lots to enjoy in this shot!

  5. It is a wonderful look at English life with a most interesting bridge.

  6. This is «Louis'» favorite [favourite in (ahem) proper as opposed to American) English!] bridge of the bridges that you have contributed to Sunday Bridges.

  7. Nice one. You cannot imaging that there is a whole route above. Thanks for showing.

  8. a lovely story photo and I love how the small details of the refurbished bridge are respected, very handsome bridge. .
