
Friday, 20 December 2013

St Petersgate Bridge Repairs Almost Finished

A month ago I posted photographs of the men repairing St Petersgate Bridge from the Market Place end.

I was back there recently and as I walked from the Market Place past the fence between the pathway and the roadway a workman was painting the parapet on the other side. By the time I'd reached the other end and poked my camera lens through a hole in the fence he'd gone.

I imagine the roadworks will have all been cleared away by now.

For a wider, coloured view see Geograph.

A contribution to Friday Fences, The Weekend in Black and White and Sunday Bridges at San Francisco Bay Daily Photo.


  1. Nicely done. I enjoy seeing sights from other parts of the world. Repairs or not.

  2. Construction sights create unusual realities. This one is intriguing.

  3. Liked seeing it in color, but think I like the black and white the best. Now, that is real protective fencing!

  4. It looks like everyone has just suddenly dropped whatever they had in their hands and left.

  5. Great photo of a interesting place!

  6. Black and white really suits this kind of photo. Love all the detail.

  7. «Louis» agrees that this image works well in B&W. Also, it is interesting to see the progress of the work. Lastly and perhaps most importantly, «Louis» thanks you for being first up to contribute to this week's Sunday Bridges.

  8. Nice shot. Construction sites change daily.

  9. I'll have to see it in colour but I do like it in black and white. Cheers!
