
Sunday, 24 November 2013

Bridge Shadows

On Friday I posted a photograph showing the M60 and A560 taken from the Wellington Road North bridge.

This view is looking along the side of the bridge across the eastbound carriageway.

A shadow of the bridge has been cast on to the cliffside. My own shadow can be seen just above what looks like a blocked up doorway. This may be an access point into a one-time air-raid shelter or is possibly connected with the railway line that originally ran alongside the route of the motorway.

A contribution to Shadow Shot Sunday and Sunday Bridges at San Francisco Bay Daily Photo.


  1. Good theme day combination.

  2. Wonderful to see your shadow as well!

  3. Jolie publication!
    Very nice post! nice pictures
    Thanks & Welcome for your comment and your next visit to my blogs.
    Have a nice day! Cath.

  4. Speaking of air raid shelters - that exhibit in London underground where Churchill and his cabinet met for most of WWII gives one an idea of what it must have been like to dive for those shelters on so many occasions during the war. The exhibit includes sirens sounding and the sounds of bombs exploding. Very realistic.

    «Louis» appreciates both of your links to Sunday Bridges. You always have interesting contributions!
