
Friday, 1 November 2013

A View from Heaton Norris Park

A view across Stockport from Heaton Norris Park.

On the left, half-hidden behind the clock overlooking Chestergate and Merseyway is the tower of St Peter's Church.

On the right is Stockport Town Hall .

Left of the Town Hall are the Millbrook towerblocks.

A contribution to the Heights theme at City Daily Photo.


  1. Love how all these different buildings style come together and create a wonderful view....

  2. Nice perspective. I thought this was a postcard from the thumbnail but it's your writing on top. Have you had people using your work without your permission? Only happened to me once, AFAIK, by local historian Ed Glinert.

  3. Interesting contribution to the theme day. Have a good weekend!
