
Monday, 23 September 2013

The Running Man at Heaton Chapel

Apologies for the quality of the photo which was taken with my phone through a dirty railway carriage window, but this was the first time I'd spotted this and thought I'd get a quick shot while I could.

I've discovered that this won 1st place in a competition for Community Art Schemes sponsered by ScotsRail:
"Inspired by Olympics in 2012, the Group completed the Running Man art project within three months, all sourced from local suppliers. Supported by businesses and organisations in the local community, 16 panels of artwork were sponsored and children from three local schools were involved in working with a local community artist, which resulted in a huge attendance of over 200 at the unveiling ceremony on 25th May 2012. The multi-talented group has within 10 months of inception demonstrated incredible attributes of engagement with the local community whilst leaving a wonderful exhibit for station users to enjoy for the future."

The group Friends of Heaton Chapel Station was formed in 2011.

A contribution to Monday Murals.


  1. «Louis» linked you to his friend Carolyn's "Monday Murals". :-)

  2. This a great mural,love the topic!

  3. This looks like a fantastic mural. Do you think you'll be able to take some close-ups at some point? I bet folks would like to see details. Thanks for contributing to this week's Monday Mural.
