
Sunday, 19 May 2013

From Viaduct to Viaduct

This photograph was taken Saturday, 25 July, 2009 from aboard a train on the railway viaduct approaching the station. It offers a clear view across the bus station of the less iconic viaduct that carries the A6 across the valley.

Nine arches can be seen here. On the far left it crosses the river Mersey which has just emerged from under the Merseyway Shopping Centre by the bear pit. Steps from the bus station lead up to Wellington Road North.

Through the middle arch is Chestergate and beyond a new bridge that goes from St Petersgate to the carpark on top of the shopping centre. Just beyond is the tower of St Mary's church and in the background stretch the Pennine hills.

On the far right is the Hat Museum.

A contribution to Sunday Bridges at San Francisco Bay Daily Photo.


  1. By such a shot you are expecting a train yard but instead a bus station. Still nice panorama indeed.

  2. As S.C. wrote, a nice panorama. For some reason, the Hat Museum sounds intriguing and «Louis» would like to see it.

    «Louis» thanks you for contributing this to Sunday Bridges.
